Remotely managing traffic flow by changing speed restrictions
A dynamic speed limit sign is an innovative tool for managing speed restrictions and traffic flow. It can be controlled remotely and adjusts the speed limit, transitioning, for instance, from 50 km/h to 70 or 80 km/h based on work zone activity. This enables smoother traffic flow when there are no ongoing works and enforces speed restrictions as needed.
Introduction to speed limit signs
Variable speed limit signs facilitate real-time adjustments to speed limits based on road conditions or construction activities. These signs can be linked to a control system that ensures all signs are connected and authorizes simultaneous speed changes, improving traffic flow and enforcing necessary restrictions.
PVMS: a game-changer for road safety
Changing speeds depending on the weather or traffic situation? Or a diversion route for specific situations? With advancing technology and changing traffic conditions, the need for adaptable signage became evident. Variable speed limit signs contribute to reduced risk of injury for road workers, improved road user experience and shorter travel times due to smoother traffic flows.